Iota Chi Alumni Association (IXAA) Bylaws

Article I. Name and Purpose

Section 1. Name

The name of this organization shall be the Iota Chi Alumni Association (IXAA) of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, an unincorporated non-profit association existing under the laws of the state of Connecticut.

Section 2. Purpose

The purpose of this alumni association shall be:

  • To cultivate and maintain the high ideals of Pi Kappa Alpha.

  • To maintain and promote true and lasting friendship amongst the brothers of Pi Kappa Alpha.

  • To further the interests of Pi Kappa Alpha in the community and the individual lives of its members.

  • To ably assist undergraduate brothers and chapters.

  • To motivate and foster a spirit of pride, loyalty, inclusion and respect for Pi Kappa Alpha and its rich history.

Article II. Membership

Section 1. Membership

A. The membership of this association shall comprise of alumnus brothers of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, in good standing with the Iota Chi Chapter. A list of active members will be recorded by the Secretary.

Article III. Officers

Section 1. Officers

A. The officers of this association shall include the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, who were previously members of the Iota Chi Chapter and who are elected by the membership. Additional leadership positions may be created for specific purposes by the President but nominations must be confirmed through a vote by the Executive Committee. These additional officers (such as chairmen), will serve conterminously with the President subject to review at the annual meeting. Past Presidents will serve the President as counsel and will be voting members of the Executive Committee.

Section 2. Terms of Office

A. Each officer of this association shall be elected for a term of two years effective the last Sunday of January during odd calendar years.

Section 3. Vacancies

A. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President, the duties of the vacant office shall be performed on an interim basis by the Vice President, respectively, until such time as a new officer is nominated by the Executive Committee and elected by voting membership to fill the vacancy. All other vacancy scenarios follow the same process.

Section 4. Removal from Office

A. Any officer may be removed from office upon receipt of a written petition signed by two-thirds of the voting membership.

Iota Chi Alumni Association IXAA

Iota Chi Alumni Association IXAA

Article IV. Executive Committee

Section 1. Function

A. The Executive Committee shall conduct all business of the alumni association between meetings, or events of the association, authorize and account for the expenditure of funds in the alumni association treasury, and do all things necessary and proper for the orderly conduct of the alumni association.

Section 2. Structure

A. The Executive Committee shall consist of the four elected officers, the chapter advisor (who is elected by the undergraduate chapter outlined in the Pi Kappa Alpha Constitution (Chapter Codes, Code VIII, Sec. 1 (Selection) Sub-sec. A-D), and past presidents. It shall be the leadership committee of the alumni association and shall be presided over by the President.

B. Select Committees may be created for specific alumni events, programs, and communications.

C. The Alumni Advisory Board (AAB) is a separate entity that works directly with the undergraduate chapter. Based on a model adopted by Nationals, the Alumni Advisory Board consists of multiple alumni advisors–Education, Finance, Operations, Recruitment, and Risk Management. The objective of the AAB is to advise the chapter on a consistent basis in an effort to share best practices, offer institutional knowledge, and develop measurable program goals toward pursuit of a Chapter Excellence or Smythe national award. The Chapter Advisor will chair and oversee the committee.

Section 3. Meetings and Quorum

A. The Executive Committee shall hold an annual meeting in January each year. Additionally, the Executive Committee shall hold monthly conference calls at a time decided by the President.

B. Meetings must have at least three officers present to be considered an official meeting of this association. These meetings will be conducted following Robert’s Rules of Order.

C. Special meetings of this association may be called by the president provided notice of the time and place is given to the membership at least 10 days in advance.

Section 4. Nominations and Elections

A. All members in good and regular standing and recognized by this association are entitled to nominate and be nominated to serve on the Executive Committee. A call for nominations will be sent to the general membership in the fall of even numbered years.

B. Once nominations are accepted, officer positions for the Executive Committee slate shall be voted upon by ballot individually by the voting membership, which consists of all officers, advisors, appointed chairs, and Annual Fund members. A simple majority of votes will determine individual officer positions. Should a tie occur, the current officers will conduct a vote to determine the winning candidate/slate.

C. The slate must be ratified by two-thirds of the general membership to empower the current officers to install the newly elected officers at the Annual Meeting. Failure to record a vote shall be deemed an affirmative.

Article V. General Business and Voting

Section 1. General Business

Business can be acted upon through a motion in two ways: through a (1) proposal or a (2) main motion. A (1) proposal is a document submitted to all members such as the financial statement and bylaw revisions. To be acted upon, it must first be given a proposal number and then filed by the Executive Committee in the Executive Committee Docket (the Docket) before the meeting. A (2) main motion is a verbal decision following the rules which can be used for business such as electing the officer slate and making financial decisions. To be acted upon, it must be given a letter number and then filed in the Docket accordingly.

Following a favorable vote, the proposal or main motion becomes an order (designated by the Shield symbol), an official operating procedure of the association effective immediately unless otherwise noted. An order is required for any major action or procedure administered by the alumni association. Following an unfavorable vote, the measure fails, but can be voted upon in the future under a new proposal number or main motion letter.

All tabled proposals or main motions may be filed in the Docket for future consideration.

Article V. General Business and Voting

Section 1. General Business

Business can be acted upon through a motion in two ways: through a (1) proposal or a (2) main motion. A (1) proposal is a document submitted to all members such as the financial statement and bylaw revisions. To be acted upon, it must first be given a proposal number and then filed by the Executive Committee in the Executive Committee Docket (the Docket) before the meeting. A (2) main motion is a verbal decision following the rules which can be used for business such as electing the officer slate and making financial decisions. To be acted upon, it must be given a letter number and then filed in the Docket accordingly.

Following a favorable vote, the proposal or main motion becomes an order (designated by the Shield symbol), an official operating procedure of the association effective immediately unless otherwise noted. An order is required for any major action or procedure administered by the alumni association. Following an unfavorable vote, the measure fails, but can be voted upon in the future under a new proposal number or main motion letter.

All tabled proposals or main motions may be filed in the Docket for future consideration.

Article VI. Treasury

Section 1. Treasury

Under the jurisdiction of the Treasurer, operating funds will be managed through a checking and/or savings account. The Treasurer, President, and Vice President will have access to the account. The Finance Committee, of which the Treasurer is Chair, will oversee all account transactions, approve all transactions, and present financial management and investment recommendations to the Executive Committee. Any large transaction ($500.00 or more) from the bank needs a dual signature from two of the three officers with account access, a safeguard that will be enforced by the bank. Transactions over $1,000 require a roll call vote by the Executive Committee.

Section 2. Fiscal and Tax Years

The fiscal year of this alumni association shall commence on January 1 (note: Nationals/MHQ uses July 1 fiscal year). The tax year of this alumni association shall commence on July 1.

Section 3. Financial Statements

The Treasurer will provide a financial overview monthly to the Executive Committee. The Finance Committee will be responsible for long term financial planning, documenting donations, and other duties delegated by the Treasurer. After each fiscal year ends, the Treasurer will submit a final financial statement (the Treasurer’s Annual Financial Statement) to be approved by the Executive Committee including revenues, expenditures, assets, and other relevant information at the Annual Meeting.

Section 4. Filing and Deadlines

The Treasurer will be responsible for submitting (1) annual dues to National Headquarters in August and (2) proper IRS forms (most likely form 990-N [e- postcard]) to the federal government in October, three months following the close of the tax year (July 1-June 30). The Treasurer is the liaison to the federal and state governments, and should assign a member of the Finance Committee, an assistant Treasurer, to help complete the necessary paperwork for filing and learn the process.

The Finance Committee should keep records of IRS forms, receipts, and the amounts paid for each alumni event or activity. It is important for the Treasurer and Finance Committee to note October as an important filing date.

Section 5. Money Distribution

The Treasurer may issue moneys in the form of checks or cash from the operating budget to any members of the Executive Committee or committee chairmen limited to alumni event preparation, activities, and operations (after submitting receipts) outlined in the financial statement. The alumni association may issue moneys to support the undergraduate chapter, Alumni Advisory Board, and/or Nationals/MHQ.

Article VII. Amendments

These bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the alumni association only if a majority of Executive Committee members are present, except that no amendment shall be passed by a vote of less than three (3) officers. Voice votes are official. These bylaws will be subject to annual review (technical revisions) at the Annual Meeting of this association.

These Bylaws of the Iota Chi Alumni Association of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity were approved and adopted on this the first day of April 2007, effective immediately.


Below are the duties of all alumni association officers:


  • Preside at all meetings of the association.

  • Appoint committee chairman and enter agreements as necessary.

  • Perform other duties as they pertain to his office.

  • Supervise all business of the alumni association.

  • Serve as liaison to the Iota Chi Chapter.

Vice President

  • Serve in the absence of the president.

  • Serve as liaison to Nationals/MHQs.

  • Perform such duties as are required of him by the president.

  • Report to the Executive Vice President (Nationals/MHQs) information concerning alumni members and the alumni association including Shield & Diamond Magazine News, election results, and conference registrations.

  • Recruit alumni to serve as officers, committee chairs or volunteers.

  • Maintain and track all association business (Executive Committee Docket).


  • Collect dues owed to the alumni association.

  • Oversee all funds and deposit the same funds to the credit of the alumni association in a bank selected by the association.

  • Maintain a book of accounts on all funds received and disbursed during his term.

  • Pay all bills incurred by authority of the alumni association.

  • Publish the Annual Treasurer’s Financial Statement and provide monthly financial reports.

  • Serve as liaison to the Housing Corporation (when created).


  • Maintain a roster of all members of the alumni association (the Alumni Directory).

  • Keep a record of all meetings and events of the alumni association.

  • Record roll call votes on vote tally sheets and collect and count ballots as needed.

  • Maintain a file of official alumni association documents electronically (via Dropbox, etc) and in physical folders.

  • Publish electronic communications (such as Facebook, Constant Contact) from the alumni association to the alumni network.

  • Maintain the alumni website through posting updates and reviewing content.

  • Work with undergraduate historian to update documents (Pledge Classes, ECs, chapter asset inventory, etc)

Chapter Advisor

  • Serve as Chair of the Alumni Advisory Board.

  • Oversee the AAB by providing monthly State of the Chapter Reports.

  • Ensure alumni (advisors or alumni association officers) attendance monthly at chapter meetings each semester (including wisdom sessions/alumni speakers).

  • Attend conferences sponsored by Nationals/MHQs and clearly report changes to the constitution and or chapter administration.

  • Serve as an advocate and resource for all brothers of the Iota Chi Chapter.

Past Presidents

  • Counsel the President while in office.

  • Provide recommendations and guidance during transition.

Committee Chairs

  • Communicate with and report all committee activity through Executive Summaries to the Executive Committee.

  • Plan and execute social events and activities.

Accountant & Attorney

  • Advise the alumni association regarding all financial matters.

  • Review and file IRS forms and other financial documentation.

  • Manage risk awareness and other liabilities.